The [Not so] Secret Keeper

A fellow homie and I had a conversation a while back about how nice we were perceived and how we must have this face where people feel the need to confess or the invitation to spill some deep dark story from their past. It was amazing that so many people feel confident to just divulge any secret to us. I wouldn't even utter a word to my family if I was dying and here are people telling me shit, personal shit might I add, and have the audacity to end it off with, "I don't know, I just feel like I trust you so I'm gonna tell you something and you can't tell it to anyone else." Bitch, don't!

I'm a fairly good secret keeper if I don't roll with your squad, because hell! Who am I gonna tell?Or if it doesn't have anything to do with my homies. But let me tell you, when you explicitly say "Don't tell anyone", I'm telling my homies. Because I am Scar. They probably don't even know you personally, but that's what homies do. We get hot gossip and spread that shit out like butter on a bread of betrayal.

But anyways, I keep to myself. I mind my own business. And yet, people come flocking to me as if I were a counselor or a priest holding confessions. Or Oprah. And what do you know? Today I get another confessor. I didn't ask for anything. I just keep my head down, worked and BAM! The "I trust you" spiel. Stahhhpp. Puh-lease. Because I'll admit it right now, I am Scar. You think your secrets are safe with me but they're not. I lovvvvvvvveeeee gossip. And I love gossip with the homies. So don't tell me unless you want it all dissected and divulged in our conversations. So thank you Subject 261, for fueling our next Homie Gossip Session.

The look you have on your face when you know you're a horrible, incorrigible person. And you're okay with it. Because you love drama [but don't necessarily want to be part of it] I honestly need to watch this movie; it doesn't feel right using a photo without have ever seeing the entire movie from start to finish.


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