
I'm fairly obsessed with all things German: the history, the culture and the language. And so when any WWII related film or show comes to my attention, I'm there. All the way. Especially if it's an alternative plot to the reality. So when I saw The Man in the High Castle on Amazon Prime, I was like, "Hol' up, hol' up. Hold. Up. Let me at this thing". And it did not disappoint. I spent all of my Saturday binge watching all of the ten measly episodes it had to proffer instead of working on my speech for this coming week. know, I'm a procrastinating college kid.

MHC takes place in post-WWII world, a world that succumbed to Hitler's reign and encompassing the former eastern USA as Japan  rule over the west coast. So to cut it short, both sides are trying to obtain these realistic propaganda films (showing the A-bomb being dropped in Nagasaki, the American's victory, etc. You know, shit that really happened) made by some dude in a high castle and thus, shit ensues. As you can tell, I'm not the best at summarizing, especially since I'm trying to keep spoiler alerts at bay. But it's a trippy show that explores the what-ifs. And the people you hate from episode 1, you find empathizing with in the remaining minutes.

Oh, and this badass you wonder? Rufus Sewell, aka Obergruppenfuhrer John Smith. You do not want to lie to him. So give it a shot, especially if you're a history buff. Because the ending is just...woah. I also can't focus right now due to the fact that I'm writing a raving rant about one show while simultaneously watching the Princess Bride. What a contrast.


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