Happee birthdae, Harry
Well technically, happy birthday me. Had a great birthday this year (Remember remember the fifth of November) and I just want to give a shoutout to all the homies who made it so. Mom and Cuzzies who got me delicious food and cupcakes from the Little Cakes shop. Everyone needs to try the Green Tea and Honey because that is magic. Shoutout to the homie Titty who made breakfast and dessert; although your chorizos were slightly burnt, I could still taste the love. Thanks to the homie Ah-nuh who knows me so well and though she was about 50 miles away, still seemed to be here. Thank you for my HP book; I will cherish each page so much so that by the end of the year I will recite it word for word. Thank you to homie Dal who stalked my Twitter feed and was my own personal Hagrid for the day. We will bake that apple pie one day. And thank you to all the well-wishers. Here's to another year!
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