My Addiction to FanFiction

Hi, my name is __________, and I have a problem. *Hi,_______.* Thank you. It's nice to feel welcomed. Well, it all started when I was a unicorn. At first I thought I had it under control, but then my life spun into total chaos when I joined the Dark Lord's army and from that moment on, Edward never loved me the same again. Wait....whaaaaaaahhhh? Welcome to the land of Fanfiction, where crossovers and cross dressers are welcomed with open arms, no questions asked.

If you're confused, then you're not a true believer in the magic of your fellow human being's imaginations. I would just like to make in knownst that though I am a recovering FF addict, worry not, for I will not relapse. I've gone about three years clean from the wretched hands of the likes of TypoKween and ocdmess. I have long accepted that endings of books and movies will stay that way. No matter how much the original sucked compared to the FF version. And the likelihood of a FF story being adapted to a REAL. LIFE. NOVEL?! pshhh, get outta here. That'll never happen. And yet, here we are, 11 days until the much hyped, previously a Twilight FF, 50 shades of Grey devours us and our screens. Ok, I admit, I never got through the first chapter, let alone the ENTIRE TRILOGY, but I'm not going to let that stop me from going to the cinema and getting my perve on while excitedly clapping for the lucky one that made it. It's like seeing your local drug dealer, who was only selling rocks to put his kids through private school goddammnit, finally make it out of the FF hood and make something out of the shitty cards he was dealt with.

Now that dealer is doing interviews with Jimmy Kimmel and lip syncing with Jimmy Fallon (love ya Jimmys!!). So with that said, I'm not sipping on Haterade over here, congrats on the 50 shades movie, congrats to e.l. James and happy v-day to those of you homies getting any. To the rest, this is just a stupid post. Go be lonely somewhere else. For those addicted to FF, here's some help lines: 1-800-GET-OVER-IT


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