Tried my hand at making panikeke lapotopoto. It didn't fare well. For the panikeke, at least. For those unfamiliar, panikeke lapotopoto are Samoa's pancakes; instead of your plain ol' stack of hotcakes you can get at any diner of the I-5, these magic little buggers are like slightly obese and robust hush puppies. That's what they're supposed to be, anyway. This was the second time I would make them, sans-homie Em, She was there for the first bake-fest that turned out "alright-y" batches. But I went at it alone today and I nearly killed my tastebuds. Rule No. 675: Never go at anything alone without a homie. Even homies need to abide with safety precautions. Let me just spare you the agonizing details and skip to the end: the burned. In hell fire and grease, they burned. But here I am, munching on them, dunked in butter, some in jelly and some lucky ones in nutella-anything to revive the taste buds once more-leaving greasy fingerprints smudged all over...