BTS Live
A mere $55 dollars later, plus the $2 batteries, and I was in uniform A bitch is living. I have finally recovered a week later after finally seeing the babies up close (well, as close as I'll ever get to see them really beyond the screen..haha, BTS, beyond the screen) and personal. I was lucky enough to score a ticket through a friend of a friend (you know how that goes) so shout to OG Uh-nuh for the heads up and Anna-cubed for the follow through. But on a typical why-we-pay-outrageous-amounts-to-live-in-California sunny day, I made my way to Pasadena to see them perform at the Rose Bowl. My poor over saturated, high cholesterol-probably heart was fangirling to the max. And I was totally unprepared. I arrived about two hours before the venue doors were even to be opened thinking that that was enough time. And sure, it was for: making your way to general parking, walking from the golf course to the stadium, finding Anna-cubed with my ticket and standing in line for a bathroom. ...