The Bread, the Butter and the Banquet
Dedicated to all the high maintenance human beings. You, good human, set the standards. ✌️ I didn't actually become broke until I had my first job with a steady income. When I was smooching off the Motherload, I didn't have money of my own to spend, let alone to become indebt. If I wanted to do something, it had better be free or I'd have to sign a petition, present the details of my case for how much I needed and what for to a court appointed judge (the she-wolf that is M.O.M.) and make an appeal when she'd rule: NO DEAL. The frugality was the way of life to paying rent on time, to putting food on the table and to putting clothes on thine back. And then I went and got a job. It wasn't by any means a Fortune 500 company that paycheck, but it was enough to get the economic juices flowing. I began to contribute as full fledged capitalist-American consumer. We got cable, we got internet, we got cell phones with bills higher than Afroman. Our standards of livin...